
This patch release ships new minor features.

Automatic Secure Cookies

According to the cookies RFC, we can specify a Secure option, to make a coookie available only under HTTPS. If we are using a crypted connection in production, Lotus will automatically send this option to increase security level. In development mode, where SSL is turned off, that value is omitted.

We can manually handle this setting, according to our custom needs.

# apps/web/application.rb
module Web
  class Application
    configure do
      # ...
      cookies secure: true

Action Routing Helpers

There is a new API available for routes interaction. It's available as private method in actions and provides useful facilities to generate URLs for named routes.

# apps/web/controllers/home/index.rb
module Web::Controllers::Home
  class Index
    include Web::Action

    def call(params)
      puts routes.root_path
      puts routes.root_url

      # equivalent to

      puts routes.path(:root)
      puts routes.url(:root)

The same feature for views was already introduced by v0.3.0.

Action Send File

Another useful addition for actions is #send_file. It accepts a Ruby File objects and deliver to the client. It supports automatic MIME type handling, Conditional GET, HEAD requests and chunked responses (via Range header).

# apps/web/controllers/home/index.rb
module Web::Controllers::Documents
  class Download
    include Web::Action

    def call(params)
      send_file File.new('path/to/document.txt')

Optional Content For Views

If we want to render optional contents such as sidebar links or page specific javascripts, we can use #content It accepts a key that represents a method that should be available within the rendering context. That context is made of the locals, and the methods that view and layout respond to. If the context can't dispatch that method, it returns nil.

Given the following layout template.

<!doctype HTML>
  <!-- ... -->
    <!-- ... -->
    <%= content :footer %>

We have two views, one responds to #footer (Web::Views::Products::Show) and the other doesn't (Web::Views::Products::Index). When the first is rendered, content gives back the returning value of #footer. In the other case, content returns nil.

module Products
  class Index
    include Lotus::View

  class Show
    include Lotus::View

    def footer
      "contents for footer"


We have introduced Lotus.root as facility to easily get the top level directory of the project.

Bug Fixes

This release comes with some bug fixes for code generators file naming, RSpec support and dirty tracking.